Thoughts ; Prayers

Jangan kau hinakan orang gila, kerana sekurang-kurangnya mereka jujur dengan kegilaannya, sedangkan kewarasanmu belum tentu kejujurannya.- an excerpt from 'Aku Nabi Isa!' by Dr. Rozanizam Zakaria

I once had something in my mind, the things I myself am unsure of that particular someone.

‘Does he really okay?’ ‘Does he need help?’ I keep on repeating to myself, like a hymn. Often feel that he needs to be helped, and surely I need to confirm that he’s really fine. But then… time passed, I slowly forget and the curiosity now has gone leaving behind all the unsolved puzzles.

Surprisingly, out of all days without even a question came out from my mouth, he himself opens up what he thinks he suffers, reminded me of all my unanswered questions—like a miracle. I know in that exact moment, I need to do something to help or even the least I could do is to understand.

What I'm trying to say now is that maybe our thoughts are what Allah really listens to.
 As if they are sincere prayers that came across our minds, entangled between believing, or disbelieving and yes, or no: the answers to our pure curiosity. All the answers we knew would never be known except with the Will of Him—just because we have no courage or often they are forgotten with time. These all happen in our mind sometimes unconsciously, without being spoken.  

I do not wish all your questions in mind be answered vocally in words because most of the things (read: symptoms of mental illness) disguise itself in the purest form they could ever be. They conceal it so well we could not know they were suffering, or maybe…deep inside, we failed to admit it—We are all ignorant. We care less of others, and that's what makes us indifferent. 

For me, one’s actions are the real answer. Observe, try your best to fit that pieces of puzzles. I have a little argument to be made with this quote: "Ask but never assume." This quote does not apply to this case tho. Because not everything can make sense through answers. That's it.

May Allah guides you with the little voice in your heart. May He sparks a strong will for you to care, to acknowledge all the tiniest hint of answers to your questions.

Sometimes to understand is not to feel exactly the way it is, but to listen and care.

thoughts and prayers, depression
source: weheartit.com

Here I am, one might say I am just an emotional-wreck-kind-of-person but nah I am just expressing my thoughts alongside emotions I think everyone can relate to. Tbh, haven’t felt this kind of excitement to write for sooo long. I guess I’m starting it all over again.

2019: a fresh, new start. Towards more posts and sharing!
(I've been thinking to dig deeper into psychology and mental health so yea wait for it.)
Don't forget to check out 'Aku Nabi Isa!' a non-fiction, psychology book written by Dr Rozanizam Zakaria. Proud to say this is my first completed book in 2019 yeah. (Oh hey my current k-drama SKYcastle can also relate with the mental health of the kids yow) me practically obsessed with everyone's mental health. sigh.

P/s: As you are reading this, please pray for that particular person to seek help from others and most importantly to seek treatment from the professional mental health experts.


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