The road less taken; Applied Plant Science UIA Kuantan

WARNING; the current post is in english + malay which contains a few of my experiences as a student. Read at your own risk.

source: google
anime: spirited away

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
-Robert Frost

"Weh kau tak nak tukar kos ke ?" tanya khal roommate zaman cfs (centre for foundation studies)
"Aku tak tukar." Dalam hati aku macam 'betul ke tak ni.betul ke tak ni. kina'

Mesti curious kos apa yang aku dapat for degree kan?
the answer is... applied plant science! tadaaa (dah agak mesti korang unimpressed)
and what is actually the field of my interest? 
kinda like forensic.....biomedic.....and anything related to human body.
macam mana boleh minat kos ni? maybe because of surrounding. I grown up in a govt-servant family (specifically polis dan tentera) or maybe I was too immersed with criminal minds or CSI-kinda-dramas-you-know-what-I-mean.

First impression bila dapat offer letter? I cried soooo bad that week. I don't even know how to describe it. Sedih tak dapat kos impian or sedih sebab dapat kos 'buangan'.
(Fun facts: Plant Science is the department with the least number of students in IIUM Kuantan)

Nobody's impressed when I said I got offer of plant science for degree. (Even when we don't need all the praises pun) but deep in our heart we all want to pursue our dreams right? 

Bitter truth of the reality that we have to face is; not everything would work based on our will. It's ALL GOD'S PLAN.
'but---we have the RIGHT TO CHOOSE dear.'
Not everything is destined to be, somewhat you got to choose your own path.
For those from Uia, you guys might be wondering why I didn't change my programme earlier before entering degree right? The problem is I don't take it seriously. Purposely, aku lewat-lewatkan hantar borang walaupun aku tahu memang boleh tukar program (jangan jadikan contoh ye anak-anak) and now the blame is on me obviously. 
As soon as I registered for degree, my heart seemed to be healed a bit when I listened to the seniors' POV and my batchmates. Most of them are so funny and outgoing! Including the lecturers (How I hope studying would be this fun with the close relationship between lecturers and students)

 It's a matter of time, they said. Interest can be nurtured, they said. 
They told me to find not much, but just one solid reason for me to stay in this department.

I don't even know what's good for me, but He does.

dan inilah jawapan istikharah aku; Plant science.

For now, what I know is I am not going to give up on this course.
There's no turn back.

 do pray for me,


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